“To what extent do our schools serve the goals of a true education?”
Education is the foundation of modern lifestyle, but are schools in actuality teaching us necessary factors that will benefit us in the future? As a sixteen year old student attending an Armenian private school, I have experienced all sorts of education. Basic subjects, like english and math, have been taught since the dawn of time, but is that alone really a sufficient amount of knowledge? Education taught in schools is more likely known as “common knowledge”, also known as information that everyone is recommended to know. Schools do not step outside of the box in order to teach us of strategies needed for basic survival, in the prevailing world. Students learn unnecessary formulas and equations, like y=mx+b, when in reality they should be learning how to balance a check book, correctly manage taxes, or the accurate way to buy a house. There should be a wider variety of classes that are optional, and directed towards the career a student is specifically interested in. Classes everywhere, whether in a public or private school, are limited to a certain amount of education. I have realized that all schools in general only meet up to a certain standard and never excel passed it. The future of education in schools should develop into being much more resourceful and beneficial to all students.