Sunday, November 17, 2013

"How to end ivory poaching"

"How to end ivory poaching"
BY: David J. Hayes
Source: LA Times,0,2238565.story#axzz2kydnqyQf

           Ivory is a very costly and valuable item found on several breathtaking animals. Malicious and vindictive hunters take advantage of helpless animals and their precious ivory tusks. These inhumane hunters are usually classified as “poachers” who benefit off a poor animals suffering. Animals like elephants and rhinos possess tusks made of ivory. Ivory is valuable due to its scarcity. Researchers are worried that the elephant population is decreasing rapidly and if the predicament at hand is not attended to, elephants may become extinct, altogether. Within the past year, more than 30,000 harmless creatures belonging to the wild African elephants have been brutally killed. Recently, “the Department of the Interior's Fish and Wildlife Service ground up 6 tons of ivory that had been seized from illegal imports and interstate sales since 1989 when an international trade ban went into effect.” This occurrence was completed in order to raise awareness and allow all powerless creatures voices to be heard. The United States government has put up bans making ivory sales illegal within the states, but that does not mean people have not found a way around it. It is the public’s job to relinquish all suffering to further elephants. Loopholes like the black market, in all, must be removed. The fate of the African elephant population’s future is in the entire human population’s hands.

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