Sunday, December 8, 2013
Sunday, November 24, 2013
"Elephant who killed veterinarian settles into San Diego Zoo"
"Elephant who killed veterinarian settles into San Diego Zoo"
Source: LA Times
“Ah, but,” interposed, more softly, a young wife, holding a child by the hand, “let her cover the mark as she will, the pang of it will be always in her heart. “ (Hawthorne 36)
Judgmental townspeople were hovered around the market place waiting for the punishment of the adulterer, Hester Prynne. Hester was required to embarrass herself and show everyone in the town what she had done. She would be forced to wear a scarlet red letter “A” stitch on all her clothes to represent the sin of adultery. The crime committed by Hester is viewed not only unlawful but morally wrong, due to the heavily religious Puritan religion. Hurtful conversations and gossip buzzed throughout the air regarding the sinful acts Hester has recently committed. As Hester stood atop the scaffold, hateful women, with scornful eyes, were discussing how her punishment should be heightened. The women believed such a crime should result in death or additional torture. As those discussions were held, one of the women stated the quote above. The quote meant that the simple punishment of an “A” adorned on all clothes, was a harsh enough punishment. Hester was to live her whole entire life with the constant reminder of her committed faults and sins. This exemplifies the intensity of Hester’s “minor” punishment. It allowed the women of the town to quiet down and discontinue any other suggestions regarding retribution towards the adulterer’s wrongdoing and crimes.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
"How to end ivory poaching"
"How to end ivory poaching"
BY: David J. Hayes
Source: LA Times,0,2238565.story#axzz2kydnqyQf
Ivory is a very costly and valuable item found on several breathtaking animals. Malicious and vindictive hunters take advantage of helpless animals and their precious ivory tusks. These inhumane hunters are usually classified as “poachers” who benefit off a poor animals suffering. Animals like elephants and rhinos possess tusks made of ivory. Ivory is valuable due to its scarcity. Researchers are worried that the elephant population is decreasing rapidly and if the predicament at hand is not attended to, elephants may become extinct, altogether. Within the past year, more than 30,000 harmless creatures belonging to the wild African elephants have been brutally killed. Recently, “the Department of the Interior's Fish and Wildlife Service ground up 6 tons of ivory that had been seized from illegal imports and interstate sales since 1989 when an international trade ban went into effect.” This occurrence was completed in order to raise awareness and allow all powerless creatures voices to be heard. The United States government has put up bans making ivory sales illegal within the states, but that does not mean people have not found a way around it. It is the public’s job to relinquish all suffering to further elephants. Loopholes like the black market, in all, must be removed. The fate of the African elephant population’s future is in the entire human population’s hands.
BY: David J. Hayes
Source: LA Times,0,2238565.story#axzz2kydnqyQf
Puritan Clothing in the 1600s
During the seventeenth century, life revolved around clothing was vastly atypical compared to present day. Puritan clothing rules coincided with the strict regulations of their religion. In Boston, Massachusetts, the colonist’s dress code was uniform. Men, women and children’s dress was mainly restricted to a small amount of colors. Black and white was the most common dyed colors. Vibrant or flamboyant colors were disregarded in order to avoid unwanted attention. Due to the expensive cost to dye cloth black, many clothes would adjust to a “bruised-blue” hue. Most evidence of clothing in the 1600s is collected through painting and portraits, which can be deceiving at times. Women would be depicted in plain and informal dresses called Brunswicks or Jesuits. Their wardrobe also included caps, capes and cloaks which were usually warn for protection against harsh weather. The wardrobe of seventeenth century men and children were much simpler. Grown men constantly wore coats and breeches, along with a cravat, or neck cloth. Men’s clothing was designed for compatibility for both labor and extensive fashion. Children, on the other hand, remained usually in either gowns, if female, or skeleton suits, if male. Both genders wore undergarments called shifts. Clothes in general for all people, were usually made out of wool and any cloth available. Therefore, during the 1600s, wardrobe was extremely strict and remained quite similar to all Bostonians.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
"I Know Why the Caged Bird Cannot Read" SOAPST
"Glendale man stalked married woman for 6 months, police say"
"Glendale man stalked married woman for 6 months, police say"
Source: LA Times,0,3692890.story#axzz2jbg8PY3X
On the morning of October 27, 2013, Gamlet Sarkisyan had been convicted of multiple cases of assault and harassment. Over the passed six months, Gamlet, a forty-eight year old presumably Armenian man, had been stalking a married woman as if she were his prey. The had met previously in April, at an appraiser course in Glendale, where the criminal resides. After their first encounter, Sarkisyan became obsessed and began to stalk the thirty-eight year old woman. He flourished her with redundant presents and tried many mindless ways of attaining her attention, but to no avail. He has seriously spooked the victim and her family, to the point where a restraining order was set out. Sarkisyan disregarded the restraining order and broke into the innocent woman’s house to “profess his love for her.” He crawled into her private property at night through an unlocked window. Sarkisyan did not stop there; he continued to break into her house and cause bodily harm and injuries all over her arms and hands. Sarkisyan attempted to “hit the rear sides of her vehicle” and “demanded” for her to speak to him. Sarkisyan pleaded not guilty to all charges and is now sitting in prison with a $400,000 bail.
The world has become a treacherous place, where restraining orders cannot even perform its initial duty and obligation. Everyone should be aware of their surroundings in order to prevent stalkers. Not everyone is in their right mind and one must not approach everyone. Being precautious and smart excludes one from been stalked as “prey.”
Source: LA Times,0,3692890.story#axzz2jbg8PY3X
On the morning of October 27, 2013, Gamlet Sarkisyan had been convicted of multiple cases of assault and harassment. Over the passed six months, Gamlet, a forty-eight year old presumably Armenian man, had been stalking a married woman as if she were his prey. The had met previously in April, at an appraiser course in Glendale, where the criminal resides. After their first encounter, Sarkisyan became obsessed and began to stalk the thirty-eight year old woman. He flourished her with redundant presents and tried many mindless ways of attaining her attention, but to no avail. He has seriously spooked the victim and her family, to the point where a restraining order was set out. Sarkisyan disregarded the restraining order and broke into the innocent woman’s house to “profess his love for her.” He crawled into her private property at night through an unlocked window. Sarkisyan did not stop there; he continued to break into her house and cause bodily harm and injuries all over her arms and hands. Sarkisyan attempted to “hit the rear sides of her vehicle” and “demanded” for her to speak to him. Sarkisyan pleaded not guilty to all charges and is now sitting in prison with a $400,000 bail.
The world has become a treacherous place, where restraining orders cannot even perform its initial duty and obligation. Everyone should be aware of their surroundings in order to prevent stalkers. Not everyone is in their right mind and one must not approach everyone. Being precautious and smart excludes one from been stalked as “prey.”
Sunday, October 27, 2013
“To what extent do our schools serve the goals of a true education?”
Education is the foundation of modern lifestyle, but are schools in actuality teaching us necessary factors that will benefit us in the future? As a sixteen year old student attending an Armenian private school, I have experienced all sorts of education. Basic subjects, like english and math, have been taught since the dawn of time, but is that alone really a sufficient amount of knowledge? Education taught in schools is more likely known as “common knowledge”, also known as information that everyone is recommended to know. Schools do not step outside of the box in order to teach us of strategies needed for basic survival, in the prevailing world. Students learn unnecessary formulas and equations, like y=mx+b, when in reality they should be learning how to balance a check book, correctly manage taxes, or the accurate way to buy a house. There should be a wider variety of classes that are optional, and directed towards the career a student is specifically interested in. Classes everywhere, whether in a public or private school, are limited to a certain amount of education. I have realized that all schools in general only meet up to a certain standard and never excel passed it. The future of education in schools should develop into being much more resourceful and beneficial to all students.
"Man Checking Guns Is Arrested at J.F.K., Authorities Say"
"Man Checking Guns Is Arrested at J.F.K., Authorities Say"
Source: The New York Times
Guns make humongous impacts on the lives of many. This Saturday, on October 28, a man was arrested for an illegal possession of guns. The incident occurred at Kennedy International Airport, in New York. A twenty three year old identified as Keenan A. Draughon assumed it would be a splendid idea to check in guns into a national airport. He specifically informed the attendant of the firearms stored within his locked suitcase; there was no intention of any sort of secrecy. Draughon, of Clarksville, Tennessee, was an army recruit and also a keen hunter. He spent a standard amount of time near fire arms and other closely associated weapons. A statement was brought up by the Queens County district attorney’s office. “The cases contained two 9-millimeter pistols, two magazines capable of holding 15 rounds of 9-millimeter ammunition, and two .22-caliber rifles, the statement said.” Officers found four guns altogether: two rifles and 2 pistols, all painted in silver and purple. Due to New York’s weapon laws, “Draughon was charged with six counts of criminal possession of a weapon, and one count of violating a New York City administrative ordinance that requires rifles and shotguns to be carried in a proper case, the authorities said.” Draughon may be convicted up to seven years in prison, due to ignorance of laws in the New York jurisdiction.
Is Keenan A. Draughon’s conviction unfair? In the eyes of many, it may be considered a severe injustice. A man fully unaware of the laws in a certain state, arrested for a minor problem. Although, airports must stay up to game when regarding fire arms. Which standpoint is really correct?
Source: The New York Times
Guns make humongous impacts on the lives of many. This Saturday, on October 28, a man was arrested for an illegal possession of guns. The incident occurred at Kennedy International Airport, in New York. A twenty three year old identified as Keenan A. Draughon assumed it would be a splendid idea to check in guns into a national airport. He specifically informed the attendant of the firearms stored within his locked suitcase; there was no intention of any sort of secrecy. Draughon, of Clarksville, Tennessee, was an army recruit and also a keen hunter. He spent a standard amount of time near fire arms and other closely associated weapons. A statement was brought up by the Queens County district attorney’s office. “The cases contained two 9-millimeter pistols, two magazines capable of holding 15 rounds of 9-millimeter ammunition, and two .22-caliber rifles, the statement said.” Officers found four guns altogether: two rifles and 2 pistols, all painted in silver and purple. Due to New York’s weapon laws, “Draughon was charged with six counts of criminal possession of a weapon, and one count of violating a New York City administrative ordinance that requires rifles and shotguns to be carried in a proper case, the authorities said.” Draughon may be convicted up to seven years in prison, due to ignorance of laws in the New York jurisdiction.
Is Keenan A. Draughon’s conviction unfair? In the eyes of many, it may be considered a severe injustice. A man fully unaware of the laws in a certain state, arrested for a minor problem. Although, airports must stay up to game when regarding fire arms. Which standpoint is really correct?
Sunday, October 20, 2013
"The Octopus That Almost Ate Seattle"
"The Octopus That Almost Ate Seattle"
Source: New York Times
Dylan Mayer, a 19-year-old Seattle occupant has caused a major uproar within his community regarding the capture of a ginormous octopus. Recently, Mayer has been testing his strength and extensively working out with his friends, in his parent’s swimming pool, in order to be fully prepared of his next big challenge. One may ask “Who is Mayer’s ultimate challenger?” The bizarre and abnormal answer to that question is a giant pacific octopus. When Mayer realized he was ready to capture his opponent he acquired a certified permit from Wal-Mart, that would allow him to hunt down any type of sea life and cook it for consumption. It would no longer be considered inhumane or any sort of abuse, due to the certification of the permit. The 19-year old traveled 40 minutes to reach his destination, Alki Beach. It is a very popular diving destination. Under the water he discovered many cues and pointers that all led to evidence of marine life. Thus, finally encountering his opponent: a nine foot pacific octopus. The creature’s size was severely mistaken by Mayer to be a little over 6 feet, due to the octopus’s ability to camouflage. Mayer, still stricken with awe, battled the octopus and withstood the painful lacerations of it’s suction cups. Thanks to his previous preparations, Mayer killed his challenger. Multiple bystanders found his actions unlawful and continued to take pictures. Mayer ignored all said “witnesses” and carried on home, awaiting to cook his long waited victory meal.
Dylan Mayer hunted for pleasure, like most people, but still is causing pandemonium within Seattle’s residents. Why should Mayer be punished simply because he hunted an uncommon animal? Occurrences similar to this, cause people to think outside of the box and challenge themselves to do something extraordinary and unexpected. More people should follow in Mayer’s footsteps and try something new instead of harshly judging another human being, with no logical reasoning.
Source: New York Times
Dylan Mayer, a 19-year-old Seattle occupant has caused a major uproar within his community regarding the capture of a ginormous octopus. Recently, Mayer has been testing his strength and extensively working out with his friends, in his parent’s swimming pool, in order to be fully prepared of his next big challenge. One may ask “Who is Mayer’s ultimate challenger?” The bizarre and abnormal answer to that question is a giant pacific octopus. When Mayer realized he was ready to capture his opponent he acquired a certified permit from Wal-Mart, that would allow him to hunt down any type of sea life and cook it for consumption. It would no longer be considered inhumane or any sort of abuse, due to the certification of the permit. The 19-year old traveled 40 minutes to reach his destination, Alki Beach. It is a very popular diving destination. Under the water he discovered many cues and pointers that all led to evidence of marine life. Thus, finally encountering his opponent: a nine foot pacific octopus. The creature’s size was severely mistaken by Mayer to be a little over 6 feet, due to the octopus’s ability to camouflage. Mayer, still stricken with awe, battled the octopus and withstood the painful lacerations of it’s suction cups. Thanks to his previous preparations, Mayer killed his challenger. Multiple bystanders found his actions unlawful and continued to take pictures. Mayer ignored all said “witnesses” and carried on home, awaiting to cook his long waited victory meal.
Dylan Mayer hunted for pleasure, like most people, but still is causing pandemonium within Seattle’s residents. Why should Mayer be punished simply because he hunted an uncommon animal? Occurrences similar to this, cause people to think outside of the box and challenge themselves to do something extraordinary and unexpected. More people should follow in Mayer’s footsteps and try something new instead of harshly judging another human being, with no logical reasoning.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
"Adrian Peterson's Son Dies After Allegedly Being Assaulted: REPORTS"
"Adrian Peterson's Son Dies After Allegedly Being Assaulted: REPORTS"
Source: Huffington Post
On Friday evening, in South Dakota, Adrian Peterson’s two year old son passed away due to severe injuries. Adrian Peterson is a running back for the Minnesota Vikings football team. His son had been crudely beaten and abused. The toddler was admitted into the ICU, Intensive Care Unit, immediately due to the severity of the assault by his unruly assailant. The youth’s aggressor is proven to be 27 year old, Joseph Patterson. Joseph Patterson in confirmed to be the victim’s mother’s boyfriend. “Patterson was arrested and charged with aggravated felony assault and battery of an infant, according to TMZ.” Patterson had beaten the young boy senselessly, to the point where emergency medical attention was necessary. Court dates have been set along with a $750,000 cash bond. The Sioux Falls Police Department made sure to keep all details under wraps until further investigation. They had noted the injuries were consistent and pointed towards persistent abuse. The police department announced the death of the child, shortly after. Nelson Peterson, Adrian’s father, confirmed the evidence supported by TMZ. He asked for the public’s prayers and respect of privacy, due to the conclusive tragedy at hand.
Abuse is completely unacceptable concerning any human being, but it is intensified when regarding such a young child. Peterson must now mourn the death of his child, due to violent acts of abuse. Peterson falls back on football further helping him grieve. As an advancing society, what can one do in order to prevent such tragic occurrences pertaining to abuse?
Source: Huffington Post
On Friday evening, in South Dakota, Adrian Peterson’s two year old son passed away due to severe injuries. Adrian Peterson is a running back for the Minnesota Vikings football team. His son had been crudely beaten and abused. The toddler was admitted into the ICU, Intensive Care Unit, immediately due to the severity of the assault by his unruly assailant. The youth’s aggressor is proven to be 27 year old, Joseph Patterson. Joseph Patterson in confirmed to be the victim’s mother’s boyfriend. “Patterson was arrested and charged with aggravated felony assault and battery of an infant, according to TMZ.” Patterson had beaten the young boy senselessly, to the point where emergency medical attention was necessary. Court dates have been set along with a $750,000 cash bond. The Sioux Falls Police Department made sure to keep all details under wraps until further investigation. They had noted the injuries were consistent and pointed towards persistent abuse. The police department announced the death of the child, shortly after. Nelson Peterson, Adrian’s father, confirmed the evidence supported by TMZ. He asked for the public’s prayers and respect of privacy, due to the conclusive tragedy at hand.
Abuse is completely unacceptable concerning any human being, but it is intensified when regarding such a young child. Peterson must now mourn the death of his child, due to violent acts of abuse. Peterson falls back on football further helping him grieve. As an advancing society, what can one do in order to prevent such tragic occurrences pertaining to abuse?
Sunday, October 6, 2013
"Walking 'Cuts Breast Cancer Risks' "
"Walking 'Cuts Breast Cancer Risks'"
By: BBC(Source)
Cancer is a treacherous disease that has affected far too many lives nowadays, but what if there was a commodity that could prevent it? Since October is acknowledged as “Breast Cancer Awareness Month”, countless amounts of people convene in fundraisers in order to raise awareness and find a cure for breast cancer. A recent study suggests breast cancer can be fully exterminated out of the lives of women who regularly participate in beneficial cardio exercises. Some of the activities include simply walking an hour a day. Dr. Alpa Patel concluded that walking, single-handedly sustains strength and diminishes chances of breast cancer, customarily in post-menopausal women. Throughout 17 years, a series of questionnaires have been completed and over 73,000 are involved in the experiment. Studies conclude: “Those who walked for at least seven hours per week had a 14% lower risk of breast cancer compared to those who walked three or fewer hours per week.”
Unfortunately, cancer still haunts the lives of many, but it may be possibly contained. The world is in the midst of a revolutionary change that can benefit numerous ill-ridden cancer patients. This can be classified as the incipient of an improved, healthier world that will no longer have to seize innocent patients’ lives to surrender at the result of cancer.
By: BBC(Source)
Cancer is a treacherous disease that has affected far too many lives nowadays, but what if there was a commodity that could prevent it? Since October is acknowledged as “Breast Cancer Awareness Month”, countless amounts of people convene in fundraisers in order to raise awareness and find a cure for breast cancer. A recent study suggests breast cancer can be fully exterminated out of the lives of women who regularly participate in beneficial cardio exercises. Some of the activities include simply walking an hour a day. Dr. Alpa Patel concluded that walking, single-handedly sustains strength and diminishes chances of breast cancer, customarily in post-menopausal women. Throughout 17 years, a series of questionnaires have been completed and over 73,000 are involved in the experiment. Studies conclude: “Those who walked for at least seven hours per week had a 14% lower risk of breast cancer compared to those who walked three or fewer hours per week.”
Unfortunately, cancer still haunts the lives of many, but it may be possibly contained. The world is in the midst of a revolutionary change that can benefit numerous ill-ridden cancer patients. This can be classified as the incipient of an improved, healthier world that will no longer have to seize innocent patients’ lives to surrender at the result of cancer.
Presentation Reviews
“The Children’s Era”, was thoroughly analyzed by Nicole and Ellen, in efforts to depict the importance of birth control. The speech written and spoken by Margaret Sanger, revolves around a pro-choice mentality, which states that women have the right to consume birth control in order to prevent unwanted, redundant pregnancies. Sanger contends all people, particularly women, should have the right to legal methods of birth control. The overall analyzation by the pair was orderly and precise. The advantages of the project include an accurate representation of evidence when regarding the ethos, pathos and logos. Their information was spot on and made one truly understand Sanger’s point of view within her argument. Ellen and Nicole efficiently made the project comprehensible by creating their own version of a Toulmin model. The project’s only downfall was the lack of fluidity during the actual presentation; an extra splash of confidence was necessary. Louder vocals would have made the presentation much more appealing, drawing the fascination of a larger amount of viewers. This specific speech draws the attention of various people who believe in alternate methods of preventing pregnancy, rather then the inhumane acts of abortion. Overall, the presentation was resplendent and included an intriguing subject to gain knowledge of.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
The Declaration of Independence
The final event leading to separation between the colonies and Great Britain was made by a single document; the Declaration of Independence. Even today, the Declaration of Independence plays a major role on the United States of America’s regulations and lawful conduct, specifically when regarding grievances towards Great Britain’s King George III. Thomas Jefferson states, “He [King George III] has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power.” This quote basically exemplifies the unfairness towards military. The king did not allow America to have their own army but on the contrary, forced colonists to feed and house Britain’s trained army in return for their protection. Military has a humongous impact on lives today. The army provides protection and defense towards all threats. Therefore America should thank Thomas Jefferson for pointing this out and making a definite change within the country’s defense system.
History defines it’s people. Without the past there would not be a conceivable future. Thomas Jefferson’s quote: “He [King George III] has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.” proves that history ties all events together. During the Revolutionary War, Britain brutally fought back against the colonist’s attacks. Thus resulting in the death of many Americans and the destruction of not only ports and towns, but rights as well. These acts strengthened America to what it is today.
"Apple fingerprint tech raises 'privacy questions' "
"Apple fingerprint tech raises 'privacy questions' "
Source: BBC
Recently many technological advancements have occurred within the well known Apple industry. Apple has newly released an updated iOS7 software compatible with all apple products, along with the new iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C. Some of the software’s innovative features have caused an uproar in many individual’s minds, specifically Apple user Al Franken. Al Franken is a US Senator who worries of privacy laws regarding Apple and it’s new fingerprint recognition technology. iOS7 allows Apple users to sign into their locked iPhone by scanning their fingerprint, to rid pesky and bothersome people from getting into the personal information in their phone. Franken believes the contrary, he states that hackers are already looking for new ways to hack into Apple database and acquire all fingerprints. Franken asserts a warning message to all users: “After stealing someone's thumbprint, hackers could ‘impersonate you for the rest of your life,’ he wrote.”
Stolen identities and fraudulent cases sum up most of the country’s criminal activities. Apple is required to have a rock solid security system in order to protect Apple touch IDs from any potential threat or hackers. An individual’s identification is the single most important thing and is connected to all private matters. Once hacked into, all private information will be accessible to unknown viewers.
Source: BBC
Recently many technological advancements have occurred within the well known Apple industry. Apple has newly released an updated iOS7 software compatible with all apple products, along with the new iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C. Some of the software’s innovative features have caused an uproar in many individual’s minds, specifically Apple user Al Franken. Al Franken is a US Senator who worries of privacy laws regarding Apple and it’s new fingerprint recognition technology. iOS7 allows Apple users to sign into their locked iPhone by scanning their fingerprint, to rid pesky and bothersome people from getting into the personal information in their phone. Franken believes the contrary, he states that hackers are already looking for new ways to hack into Apple database and acquire all fingerprints. Franken asserts a warning message to all users: “After stealing someone's thumbprint, hackers could ‘impersonate you for the rest of your life,’ he wrote.”
Sunday, September 15, 2013
"Holy Water Bacteria: Samples With Up To 62 Million Per Milliliter Found In Austrian Study"
"Holy Water Bacteria: Samples With Up To 62 Million Per Milliliter Found In Austrian Study"
By: Huffington Post (Source)
A recent study in Austria shows holy water has been contaminated by inhumane amounts of bacteria. Holy water is water blessed with a prayer. In certain religions, such as Christianity or Catholicism, it is said to be a treatment to help cure the ill and restore them back to health. Latest studies demonstrate that it may possibly be doing the exact opposite of its original purpose. In the Journal of Water and Health, professionals have examined numerous holy springs in Austria and Vienna. They have come to a horrifying conclusion. Holy springs contained tainted water with samples of “62 million bacteria per millimeter, ABC news reported.” This type of bacteria is identical to those found in fecal matter. Professionals have specifically found the bacteria known as E. coli. The Huffington Post compares the holy water in Austria, to contaminated ice water from filthy and unhealthy fast food restaurants in China. Examiners of the infected water advise users to be cautious and no longer use holy water in popular, widespread churches or publicly used Holy Springs.
Healing means through holy water in many widespread religions are undoubtedly being contradicted. Users and believers who have read this article are now aware of the problem at hand, which is what makes this post considerably significant.
By: Huffington Post (Source)
A recent study in Austria shows holy water has been contaminated by inhumane amounts of bacteria. Holy water is water blessed with a prayer. In certain religions, such as Christianity or Catholicism, it is said to be a treatment to help cure the ill and restore them back to health. Latest studies demonstrate that it may possibly be doing the exact opposite of its original purpose. In the Journal of Water and Health, professionals have examined numerous holy springs in Austria and Vienna. They have come to a horrifying conclusion. Holy springs contained tainted water with samples of “62 million bacteria per millimeter, ABC news reported.” This type of bacteria is identical to those found in fecal matter. Professionals have specifically found the bacteria known as E. coli. The Huffington Post compares the holy water in Austria, to contaminated ice water from filthy and unhealthy fast food restaurants in China. Examiners of the infected water advise users to be cautious and no longer use holy water in popular, widespread churches or publicly used Holy Springs.
Healing means through holy water in many widespread religions are undoubtedly being contradicted. Users and believers who have read this article are now aware of the problem at hand, which is what makes this post considerably significant.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
'Fast & Furious 6' (2013) Movie Review
'Fast & Furious 6' (2013) Movie Review
& Furious 6” was released in theaters on May 24, 2013. Being the
sixth movie circulated to the public in the Fast and Furious Franchise, it
seized countless high expectations. Brad Brevet, a critic for Rope of Silicon, reviews the movie with utmost detail that
revolves around a “thumbs up” attitude. A claim of value is used throughout the
entire review, given that it is wholly an opinion and based on one’s taste.
Brevet specifically points out the fact that the movie possesses “over-the-top
action you crave” by including impossible capabilities like catapulting from bridge to bridge. He
also states how the actor’s acting may be “awful”, but the audience has grown
on them throughout the years, therefore making them wholeheartedly feel like a
part of the “Fast and Furious” family. A claim of fact is applied here: “There
must be about eight different fights taking place over the course of the film's
final 15 minutes.” This arguable statement can be proven either true or false
based on distinctive opinions. Since both claim of value and claim of fact has
been demonstrated, a claim of policy is issued as well. An example of a claim
of policy is depicted when the critic discusses his dissatisfaction towards the
delivery of scenarios, comparing it to a “lesser-budgeted film”, thus being the
main downfall of the movie. This aspect is the one change Brevet has proposed. The critic favored the movie’s
intensity towards cars, women, humor, and above all, the significance family. Brad Brevet critiques the
thrill-seeking action film by grading it an overall B.
"Wen Jones Beating: Arrests Made In Brutal Attack On Veteran Protecting Teen"
"Wen Jones Beating: Arrests Made In Brutal Attack On Veteran Protecting Teen"
Source: Huffington Post
Wen Jones, a genuine hero, risked his life to save two innocent victims from a vicious bully attack, on May 19, 2013. Jones is a 43 year old former Marine, who intervened in an altercation at Juno Beach Park in Florida. Whilst leaving the park, Jones witnessed a 14 year old boy, named Zion, getting harassed by three men in their mid-twenties. The three men taunted the adolescent and kicked sand in his face. The young boy’s father, 55 year old Leroy Wright, respectfully asked the men to leave the park, but to no avail. The assailants attempted beating the victims, but Jones swiftly stepped in and tried to control the situation. He was knocked unconscious and beaten ruthlessly. Jones required immediate surgery. He suffered from multiple bone fractures and a swollen shut eye. The three assailant’s names were Tyler Dylan Carswell, Eric Michael Deiter, and Cody Moore Roon. They tried to flee; however, bystanding witnesses recorded the whole event and jotted down the license plate numbers of all three men. Police have recently arrested Carswell, Deiter, and Roon. Their cruel and pitiless proceeding is currently being tired as a felony due to the severity of Jones’s injuries.
Bullying is nonetheless a main problem in today’s society. Wen Jones’s courage and bravery saved two innocent people’s lives. This depicts that bullying can and should be stopped immediately.
Monday, September 2, 2013
"California Inmates Help Battle Raging Yosemite Rim Fire"
"California Inmates Help Battle Raging Yosemite Rim Fire"
By: UNKNOWN/Not Specifically Given (Huffington Post)
Source: Huffington Post
In times of tragedy, all forms of help is appreciated in order to find a rapid solution to a troublesome problem. Since mid-August, Yosemite National Park, located in California, has been struck with a large wildfire. The Yosemite wildfire has recently became known as the sixth largest wildfire in Californian history. Numerous firefighters constantly have been putting their lives on the line in order to ensure the safety of local civilians lives, loved ones, and belongings. Local inhabitants are filled with gratitude, but more help was needed. Three organizations came together to take care of this pesky predicament: California’s Conservation Camp Initiative, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), and the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. Ideas were brainstormed to find more people to help fight the fire. 673 people in total have been helping in order to cease the fire. 652 courageous men and women supported the firefighters as they fought side by side. These 662 people happen to be convicts. 600 of which, were male and 52 of which, were female. This program is voluntary to inmates. The convicts get paid $1.00 per hour for their service. They are deep within the problem and work 24 hour shifts. This job is nowhere near easy and stress-free. Inmates are required to walk several miles and endure the stress of relieving a fire, and preventing it from spreading.
The county is benefited by this correctional program. Since extra help is needed, it is a great way for inmates to give back. In all, it shows those who have made mistakes the brighter side of life. These acts bring an uprising within our society and above all, in humanity.
Half Baked
One may ask, “What is the best ice cream flavor?” Everyone’s answer should definitely be Half Baked. Swirls of vanilla, whirls of chocolate, chunks of brownies, hunks of cookie dough pieces fill a perfect pint of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream.(asyndeton) This combination of ice cream merge together comfortably and is like heaven in your mouth.(simile) Cannot decide whether you want vanilla or chocolate?(rhetorical question) Half Baked ice cream mixes both delicious flavors together. It is literally an indecisive person’s dream come true. Cookie dough and half baked brownies are delightful separately, so just imagine what infusing them together might do. Mixing up baked goods into the mix adds spunk and pizzazz to the mix. Just a measly spoonful will send you soaring with a feeling of euphoria. A flavor this satisfying should be illegal.
Half Baked ice cream is completely versatile and impeccable to all with exquisite taste.(pathos) Kids and teens and adults all love ice cream. (polysyndeton) Ben and Jerry’s ice cream makes sure to use natural ingredients that even include “10% Calcium and 8% Vitamin A.” (logos) It is also superb for any occasion: parties, sleepovers, and even during depressing events like break ups. Half Baked incorporates numerous classic flavors with enticing twists, so why not indulge yourself into a spoonful of scrumptiousness?
Half Baked ice cream is completely versatile and impeccable to all with exquisite taste.(pathos) Kids and teens and adults all love ice cream. (polysyndeton) Ben and Jerry’s ice cream makes sure to use natural ingredients that even include “10% Calcium and 8% Vitamin A.” (logos) It is also superb for any occasion: parties, sleepovers, and even during depressing events like break ups. Half Baked incorporates numerous classic flavors with enticing twists, so why not indulge yourself into a spoonful of scrumptiousness?
Sunday, August 25, 2013
"The Death of a Moth" SOAPST
In "The Death of a Moth", the importance of all matters of life and life and death in general, are portrayed in a peculiar way. One must attentively and thoroughly read between the lines in order to correctly interpret the text. The subject is about a moth who still wishes to live it’s life although it may almost be ending soon. It tries its hardest to escape from one side of a window to another which is filled with life, excitement, and nature. The author makes sure to not mess with fate and see the importance of every creature in life. The occasion is in mid-September. The audience is whoever can relate to the topic at hand. Those who can understand the moth’s frustration is who it is implied for, although anyone who would like to read the piece is the audience. There is no specific distinction of whom it pertains too. The purpose is to show the essence of all matters in life through symbolism in a moth. It is also to encourage. The same way the moth danced around and “zigzagged” in order to overcome an obstacle, is the same way we should never give up when overcoming obstacles. The speaker of this piece is Virginia Woolf. Although Woolf is the author, she is also characterized and vividly describing the story in “The Death of a Moth”. The tone varies and changes drastically. It starts off describing the scenery in a delighted tone then becomes dark and moody when the moth begins to die. Without the SOAPST the text would not be the same. The SOAPST allows one to feel what the author is feeling. It brings life to the text.
"Lt. Thomas Foye Accused Of Pocketing Drugs From Police Evidence Locker"
"Lt. Thomas Foye Accused Of Pocketing Drugs From Police Evidence Locker"
Source: Huffington Post
Source: Huffington Post
Lieutenant Thomas Foye, a Ludlow police officer, has undergone the most mortifying incident that can occur to a police officer. On August 15,2013 Foye was caught on tape entering the locked narcotics room in the Ludlow Police station. The narcotics locker is only accessible to police officers of that station. Thomas Foye then grabbed a brown bag suspiciously. The guards continued to observe these strange acts through a live feed from a security camera installed into the room. A white unknown substance was seen to be taken from the ward by Foye, as he closed the light and walked out.
Foye paid the consequences for his despicable actions. The next day, officers of the Ludlow police station searched the 49 year old officer who was a 20 year veteran at his local station. While securing his firearms, the officers found a white substance in his pocket, but were unable to identify it immediately. After a series of tests, the officers found out the substance confiscated was indeed cocaine. Foye was put on trial and booked for “theft of drugs from a depository and possession of a class B substance. His trial is dated for October 1 and Foye has pleaded to be not guilty. In the mean time, Foye was released without bail and is required to take random drug tests. Due to his unlawful actions, Foye forcefully resigned as a police official in Massachusetts. His badge, fire arms, and fire arms license have been revoked from his possession. This depicts how corrupt our law enforcement can actually be. It is important for us to realize that those who are supposed to devote their lives to help and fix the structure of our government, can also be the ones who are abusing it more. Reality is tough to except, but this is an example for us to always keep our eyes widened and alert.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Ethos, Logos, and Pathos in Advertising
The art of persuasion is a critical aspect in advertising. One may effectively get their point across by using their advanced rhetorical skills. Ethos, Pathos, and Logos play a key part in grasping a person's attention. An example of effective advertising is the AARP media sales ad below. The ethos of any advertisement is it's ethical appeal and how credible the character or speaker may be. Building ethos is used in this situation. The characters prove their credibility by stating that their older age makes them more experience and overall more prominent. The speakers have pointed their audience to a more elderly crowd. Making sure it is appealing emotionally to the audience, a smiling and extremely joyful male and female are depicted. The pathos also appears in the text that states they are better off at an elder age, filled with emotional confidence and wealth. Although they maybe be aged physically, their age is beneficial to them because they make all the decisions. Thus, displaying a brighter side of aging by complimenting them. Logos is shown by using facts and statistics. Within the text, it states that 75% of discretionary wealth is controlled by those 50 years of age or older. It is a fact that can be proven true. The purpose of this advertisement is to persuade elderly people to control their money and decision making through AARP. Overall, this advertisement is seemingly effective.


To Kill a Mockingbird
It is seldom for me to find a book I actually enjoy reading, yet To Kill A Mockingbird actually captured my attention. It conveyed an important message of equality. Segregation was a major problem during this time period. Throughout the story, main characters like Atticus Finch taught his children to disagree with and fight against discrimination. He proved to be open-minded by participating in a trial, as a lawyer who defended a wrongly accused black male. To Kill A Mockingbird also depicted a strong family dynamic between a single father and his two children. Innocence is also a strong reoccurring theme. It appealed to me how Harper Lee stressed the value of ones innocence is and how quickly it can be taken away by evil. Ideas of purity were wisely symbolized to a mockingbird. This allowed mystery to linger within the novel especially when regarding Arthur “Boo” Radley, the neighborhood “mockingbird” who allowed children’s imaginations to run wild. I would recommend To Kill A Mockingbird to anyone because it is an ideal book to read. It contains complex situations that make one eager to read on. Since reading and I do not get along, I was quite surprised that I enjoyed reading To Kill A Mockingbird.
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