The necessities in life revolve around common items that include food, clothes and shelter. A big sum of the world’s population is fortunate enough to acquire these necessities and additional luxuries as well. We are reminded of those who do not have the capability to have such opulence, and it comes to a point where we must ask ourselves, “Do I really need this?” Decluttering needless items from one’s life can alter a person’s existence entirely. I have a few belongings that should be gotten rid of from my life. Throughout my academic career, I have kept an abundance of books that I have read once and will never read again. This would be the first example of inventory I can lessen. Objects like neglected CD’s and video games, extra pairs of shoes that I haven’t worn in years, and shirts that I refuse to give away hoping that one day I will wear them are all excess substances in my life that I can dispose of easily. On the other hand, I will never get rid of or discard my computer, cell phone, or TV. Unfortunately, I have become a helpless victim that has been submerged in a world filled with technological advancements and could not envision a life without it.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
After Sandy, Feds Consider Building Fake Islands Off The Coast
"After Sandy, Feds Consider Building Fake Islands Off The Coast"
Source: The Huffington Post
Natural disasters cause a toll on the environment and the people located near the tragic event. It is dire for inhabitants of areas prone to specific environmental disasters, to be prepared for whatever Mother Nature may bring forth. During the 2012 Atlantic Ocean hurricane season, Hurricane Sandy, also known as “Superstorm Sandy,” struck the coast “from Maryland to New Hampshire.” It financially affected New York and New Jersey terribly; over $79 billion of damage occurred. The storm took the innocent lives of one hundred and fifty nine people. In order to prevent any further damage from future possible storms, corporations like “the Stevens Institute, WXY architectural firm and West 8 Urban Design and Landscape Architecture” have constructed a plan. They have proposed to create a string of artificial islands. These man made islands will stretch across the coast from New York to New Jersey, acting a life size barrier and barricading any disruptions the storm surges may cause. They refer to the proposal as the “Blue Dunes” proposal which will help protect lives during time of recovery from the previous horrendous attack. They are asking for funding of $10 billion to $12 billion.
After all, it is essential for all locations to have a central back up plan that can be used to protect their residents with peace of mind. Safety first is the ultimate rule when dealing with the innocent lives and safety of civilians.
Source: The Huffington Post
After all, it is essential for all locations to have a central back up plan that can be used to protect their residents with peace of mind. Safety first is the ultimate rule when dealing with the innocent lives and safety of civilians.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
The Colbert Report
Stephen Colbert is known as a sarcastic and hysterical television show host. The Colbert Report’s opinionative existence depends solely on the ignorance of the recent news that occurs worldwide. Many of his segments are biased since it is his opinion, yet it allows viewers to question their mindset on controversial topics and events. In this particular segment, Colbert discusses the Boston Marathon bombing that occurred last year in April. He takes a serious topic and begins to humor it with the history of Boston. He shows bewilderment towards the terrorists that had the audacity to even plan out a disgraceful attack on such a historically resilient and powerful location. He turns people’s exasperation and fury into comical laughter and amusement when expressing the toughness of the British through their past pilgrim hat buckles. He also reiterates the fact that they have meddled with a place that “cradled the American Revolution and withstood an 86 year losing streak (when referring to the ongoing loss of the Boston Red Sox)” He is flabbergasted that such “cowards” could perform this task when the marathon’s courageous participants ran two extra miles to donate blood to those injured. The entire segment is filled with hyperboles and anecdotes that exemplify the nerve of the attack bombers. Stephen Colbert has done a remarkable job praising Boston’s perseverance through means of laughter and entertainment.
Satirical News
"Mcdonalds Now Offering Bereavement Prices"
Source: The Onion,35494/?ref=auto
Source: The Onion,35494/?ref=auto
The Onion epitomizes wacky, sarcastic, entertaining, satirical news. It plays an enormous role focusing on the infinitesimal problems that are recorded on the news, while the more important articles are completely disregarded. Recently, they have written an article humorizing the business of fast food industries. McDonalds has stooped low enough to offer “bereavement prices” and coupons to those grieving the loss of a loved one. As if the first idea on one’s mind, after the death of family member, is to rush to McDonalds and eat reduced priced, unhealthy fast food. Since the “offer is valid only within the first seven days of death”consumers must sprint and dash off to the nearest McDonalds restaurant, along
with an extensive amount of information concerning the recently deceased. The
cashier must be supplied with all information including the hospice and funeral
home numbers in order to contact, in order to authorize the inferior discount.
An event as ridiculous as this derides the despicable actions of McDonald’s
fast food restaurants in Oak Brook, Illinois, since they will use anything as
an excuse to bring in customers and newfound revenue. While reading through
this article, it is impossible not to utter a chuckle, due to its hilarious ignorance
that brings insight for others viewing the severity of nonsense in similar
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Economy is the process or system by which goods and services are produced, sold, and bought in a country or region, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary. The financial situation of every person solely depends on the status of one’s economy. A life with a decreasing economy will cause one to suffer, while a life with an increasing and booming economy will cause one to thrive and prosper. The human race survives on purchasing materialistic and unimportant items that may be viewed “necessary” to them. Personally, it plays a ginormous role in my life, both financially (obviously) and mentally. The economy plays a big role in our lives since my father owns a business in the automobile industry that allows him to provide for us. If the economy’s status is not well, it decreases the amount of customers and consumers of his products. Without that clientele, our family would not be able to for pay bills, tuition, or for other excess luxuries. I would no longer be able to attend my last year and graduate in Rose and Alex Pilibos, nor would I be able to partake in any means of shopping, which is viewed as a stress reliever and utterly necessary in my life. Most importantly, the economy affects whether I have the ability to use electronics, like iPhones or television. A simple thought about living a life without my favorite TV shows irks me. Thankfully, I find myself and my family fortunate enough to not be drastically affected by an awful economic status.
Staples Is Closing Up To 225 Stores As Sales Fall
"Staples Is Closing Up To 225 Stores As Sales Fall"
Source: The Huffington Post
Customers run the entirety of every single business. A business with absolutely no mean of financial income is bound to shut down. Large businesses and thrive on the familiarity and prestige of their company’s name. Staples is a name most office supply consumers are highly aware of. In the United States and Canada, approximately 1,850 Staples stores exist. Recently, this top ranking incorporation is dealing with major financial difficulty. It is no longer reaching enough revenue, thus causing the franchise to weaken and slowly deteriorate. A multitude of stores are deemed as useless due to insufficient funds. The retailer has become defeated and can no longer endure major rivals: Amazon and Office Depot. Its usual consumers are changing route and taking their business elsewhere to the more efficient and economically inexpensive retailer. Over 12 % of stores will be shut down. In all actuality, Staples has predicted that over 225 stores will be run out of business. Half of the problem’s source is due to online retailing, making the commute to stores pointless. Without the need of property, Staples Inc. has found that keeping certain stores alive and running is a futile waste. “Analysts said the store closures, which would take place by 2015, were unlikely to boost the company's results in the near term.”
Source: The Huffington Post
Customers run the entirety of every single business. A business with absolutely no mean of financial income is bound to shut down. Large businesses and thrive on the familiarity and prestige of their company’s name. Staples is a name most office supply consumers are highly aware of. In the United States and Canada, approximately 1,850 Staples stores exist. Recently, this top ranking incorporation is dealing with major financial difficulty. It is no longer reaching enough revenue, thus causing the franchise to weaken and slowly deteriorate. A multitude of stores are deemed as useless due to insufficient funds. The retailer has become defeated and can no longer endure major rivals: Amazon and Office Depot. Its usual consumers are changing route and taking their business elsewhere to the more efficient and economically inexpensive retailer. Over 12 % of stores will be shut down. In all actuality, Staples has predicted that over 225 stores will be run out of business. Half of the problem’s source is due to online retailing, making the commute to stores pointless. Without the need of property, Staples Inc. has found that keeping certain stores alive and running is a futile waste. “Analysts said the store closures, which would take place by 2015, were unlikely to boost the company's results in the near term.”
Sunday, February 23, 2014
A quick swipe takes child's temperature
"A quick swipe takes child's temperature"
Source: LA Times,0,4525485.story#axzz2uDh3EYIK
Source: LA Times,0,4525485.story#axzz2uDh3EYIK
Technology is definitely advancing
as rapidly as possible. This benefits everyone, but the largest impact definitely affects the medical industry
and all of its departments. Simple appliances and medical machinery can
influence an ailing life immensely. It is dire for doctors to have the best
machinery accessible, since the lives of their patients depend on them. Many
hospitals have advanced technology but it is also important for the public to
have the same easy access. The Exergen Crop. has put responsibility into their
own hands to make the lives of parents simple and stress free. Parents are now
able to effortlessly measure their child’s fever and temperature. Their new
invention is known by the name: “the Smart Glow.” This thermometer presents the
child’s temperature on a bright glowing screen. Therefore, it is no longer
difficult to view the number in the dark. The child does not even have to be
awake or aware of the thermometer, at all. In order for it to properly operate,
a person must swipe the “TemporalScanner Thermometer across the forehead and
the temperature appears in a small, lighted space on the handle.” The
thermometer is swiped across the forehead because the temporal artery is
located on it. It is the best and most accurate place for a child’s body temperature
to be measured. This thermometer took a minor step in revolutionizing medical
machinery by making it easily available for parents everywhere.
Technology has clearly taken over our lives. I realized this when I felt obligated to spend a few measly moments outside restricted from it all. I sat down on the forest green swing set that sits above my porch, in my front yard. I suddenly felt aggravated and my fingertips tingled with irritation; my mind began to provoke my arms to reach forward and fall into the temptation of a technological device. Although it mentally destroyed me, I relinquished this sense of weakness when I felt a slight breeze blow across my face, allowing my hair to slightly flow in the wind. I began to notice the beautiful sunny day I had access to. Two ginormous trees hovered over my grandmother’s carefully planted ivory roses. Across the yard I heard the gentle chirps of a family of birds conversing. A fluffy –tailed squirrel scurried across my front steps, quickly trying to scavenge remains of leaves and nuts left behind in the mud. I was interrupted by the pitter patter of children’s feet running across my neighbor’s patio. Their adorable laughter filled the air with a sense of harmony and innocence. While sitting on comfortable floral print swing pillows, I recognized the lingering scent of freshly cut grass. I relived a moment of freshness and tranquility.
Thoughts began to rush around in my mind almost like bustling shoppers on black Friday waiting to acquire the last available sales found in a mall. Within my first thought, I caught a glimpse of my future. Nonetheless, I became grotesquely terrified and rapidly changed the subject. Random ideas floated around like: What will I eat for dinner? Where will I travel to next? How am I even speaking to myself in my own head?! Why don’t I do this more often? At that very moment, I understood the logic behind Mrs. Kirkman’s assignment. The beauty and simplicity that surrounds us is constantly voided because of the sudden advancements in technology. It was deeply necessary to step back from the constant chaos and just submerge myself into magnificence life provides kindly offers us. Thank you, Mrs. Kirkman!
Thoughts began to rush around in my mind almost like bustling shoppers on black Friday waiting to acquire the last available sales found in a mall. Within my first thought, I caught a glimpse of my future. Nonetheless, I became grotesquely terrified and rapidly changed the subject. Random ideas floated around like: What will I eat for dinner? Where will I travel to next? How am I even speaking to myself in my own head?! Why don’t I do this more often? At that very moment, I understood the logic behind Mrs. Kirkman’s assignment. The beauty and simplicity that surrounds us is constantly voided because of the sudden advancements in technology. It was deeply necessary to step back from the constant chaos and just submerge myself into magnificence life provides kindly offers us. Thank you, Mrs. Kirkman!
Monday, February 17, 2014
Maximo Caminero Smashes $1 Million Ai WeiWei Vase
" Maximo Caminero Smashes $1 Million Ai WeiWei Vase"
Source: The Huffington Post
Art is a form of creativity that and brings an artist’s wildest ideas to life. The simplest form of art can be viewed beautiful and influential to people, but unfortunately bad perspectives maybe viewed as well. Opinions vary in life especially in this case, involving the famous Ai WeiWei vase. This particular vase was worth one million dollars. Ai WeiWei is specialized in transforming old ancient artifacts into works of art. He paints these archaic vases that date back to the Han Dynasty, with vibrant and flamboyant colors. He expresses his feelings into his art but many believe painting ancient artifacts like these vases “defaces the original work.” A man named Maximo Caminero, filled with rage and indignation, smashed the “Chinese dissident artist’s” valuable vase. On February 17, 2014, Caminero protested against the Perez Art Museum in Miami by damaging WeiWei’s artwork. He was angered at the fact that the “city’s newly opened museum is only displaying international art.” The fifty one year old Dominican man, Caminero, was arrested and charged for illegal activities and criminal mischief on Sunday.
Maximo Caminero’s protest displayed acts of violence and can be viewed as rude and disrespectful towards the artist, Ai WeiWei. His outburst truly shows how powerful voicing one’s opinion can be. It is important to be able to control feelings and emotions when facing controversial topics and issues.
Source: The Huffington Post
Art is a form of creativity that and brings an artist’s wildest ideas to life. The simplest form of art can be viewed beautiful and influential to people, but unfortunately bad perspectives maybe viewed as well. Opinions vary in life especially in this case, involving the famous Ai WeiWei vase. This particular vase was worth one million dollars. Ai WeiWei is specialized in transforming old ancient artifacts into works of art. He paints these archaic vases that date back to the Han Dynasty, with vibrant and flamboyant colors. He expresses his feelings into his art but many believe painting ancient artifacts like these vases “defaces the original work.” A man named Maximo Caminero, filled with rage and indignation, smashed the “Chinese dissident artist’s” valuable vase. On February 17, 2014, Caminero protested against the Perez Art Museum in Miami by damaging WeiWei’s artwork. He was angered at the fact that the “city’s newly opened museum is only displaying international art.” The fifty one year old Dominican man, Caminero, was arrested and charged for illegal activities and criminal mischief on Sunday.
Maximo Caminero’s protest displayed acts of violence and can be viewed as rude and disrespectful towards the artist, Ai WeiWei. His outburst truly shows how powerful voicing one’s opinion can be. It is important to be able to control feelings and emotions when facing controversial topics and issues.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
"Flappy Bird Soars, Then Disappears, Along With a Weekend"
"Flappy Bird Soars, Then Disappears, Along With a Weekend"
Source: The New York Times
iPhone applications come and go, but only the finest and most addicting ones make impressions on people. Applications, better known as apps, basically make cellular devices what they are today. Any game or utility is easily available with a simple click of a button. A revolutionized way of working with handheld devices may also become annoying and bothersome to the users of the app. In this case, the most frustrating app in all of history is said to go down with the name of “Flappy Bird.” Flappy Bird is basically a poorly graphically designed bird that must “flap” through the gaps of long, green pipes. Each gap is set at a different height (higher or lower) along the pipe. If the bird has any contact with the lengthy pole the game is immediately over. The more pipes one travels through, the higher the score is achieved. Although it seems to be an ordinary Super Mario looking wannabe game, looks can be deceiving; pure evil lies within the app itself. The creator of Flappy Bird, Mr. Dong Nguyen could not even tolerate his creation. “[Within] weeks, Flappy Bird nested atop the most downloaded app charts for Apple and Android mobile devices.” The free app made over $50,000 with advertisements and sponsors alone. The game irritated its users to no avail. The one and only way to end and relinquish the infuriating madness Flappy Bird caused was to completely remove and delete it off the App store.
The Great Gatsby Movie
The Great Gatsby movie was extravagant and I treasured every second of it. Movies have always been superior to books, throughout my experience, since I loathe the entirety of reading. In this case, both the book and the movie were enjoyable. The plot revolving around the fabulous parties and immorality of criminal activity almost spoke to me. The director and actors accurately portrayed the magnificence of the 1920’s and the “Jazz Age.” Not to mention the gorgeous, eye-numbing physical appearances of the actors and actresses; Both Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Macguire were capable of making any female swoon and lose consciousness throughout the entire movie. The actors also played the character’s personality traits precisely as described in the novel. The love Gatsby’s character had for Daisy and the bewilderment Nick Carraway experienced on screen are only a few examples of feelings and emotions that were practically palpable. Although some scenes in the book were altered or completely removed from the movie, the film still preserved its initial scheme and main idea. For example, at the end Nick was the single person to attend Gatsby’s unfortunate funeral, whereas in the novel, two other guests: Henry C. Gatz and Owl Eyes also graced Jay with their presence. Overall, both the novel and film were magnificent from beginning to end. It made me want to experience the luxurious, foolishly fun tragedy alongside the characters.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Severe Drought Has U.S. West Fearing Worst
"Severe Drought Has U.S. West Fearing Worst"
Source: The New York Times
California is at an all-time dangerous low once again when regarding water supply. A lengthy amount of time with no signs of rainfall has passed. The golden state is stuck in rough times and it is necessary to find a way to replenish its people. Factually, 40,000 people are at risk of becoming without water. They are vulnerable since the supply may run out any time from two to four months. The State Water Project was the state’s lone hope of assistance. “The main municipal water distribution system” was unable to fulfill its duties due to the severe drought. In a fifty-four year history, it is the first time the State Water Project had to disable and deactivate its spigot. All residents are required to cut down overall water usage by twenty percent. As an emergency back up plan for the worst case scenario possible, dispatches of trucks would have to bring in drinking water. New wells will also be drilled into the ground in order to achieve extra fresh water sources.
It is dire for Californians to keep water usage to a minimum. The state must be capable of an effective water conservation plan in order to prevent long term damage and crisis regarding the water resources.
Source: The New York Times
California is at an all-time dangerous low once again when regarding water supply. A lengthy amount of time with no signs of rainfall has passed. The golden state is stuck in rough times and it is necessary to find a way to replenish its people. Factually, 40,000 people are at risk of becoming without water. They are vulnerable since the supply may run out any time from two to four months. The State Water Project was the state’s lone hope of assistance. “The main municipal water distribution system” was unable to fulfill its duties due to the severe drought. In a fifty-four year history, it is the first time the State Water Project had to disable and deactivate its spigot. All residents are required to cut down overall water usage by twenty percent. As an emergency back up plan for the worst case scenario possible, dispatches of trucks would have to bring in drinking water. New wells will also be drilled into the ground in order to achieve extra fresh water sources.
It is dire for Californians to keep water usage to a minimum. The state must be capable of an effective water conservation plan in order to prevent long term damage and crisis regarding the water resources.
Monday, January 20, 2014
A Night to Remember
With an endless supply of money, the one thing left to do is throw the most memorable and extravagant party ever. There would be no legitimate or specific occasion celebrated, it would be simply described as a celebration of life. The event would take place on the rooftop of the most luxurious resort found in Saint-Tropez, France. The resort will be decorated in festive yet classy lights that illuminate the crowd. First class tickets for flights will be provided along with invitations. An all expense paid trip is provided to all guests attending. Who would not want to be invited to the party of the century? The guest list is impeccable; with all the hottest “A List” celebrities to top it off. Everyone I have ever met throughout my entire life is invited. Only the highest level of entertainment is acceptable. Famous musicians including Justin Bieber, Rihanna, A$AP Rocky, Drake and Avicii, will perform. As a random hostess present to me and the lucky females attending the swaray, all the suitable and attractive young men must participate in a fashion show judged by myself and a best friend. As if this was not enough, the most decadent desserts and dishes will be provided along the poolside. Formal dress is required but bikinis and bathing suits are imperative to bring along as well. Unlimited loads of the best alcohol imported from around the world will be available to all party-goers. Upon leaving the two day long party, guests will take home gift “baskets” including flat screen televisions and a Bugatti, in the color of their choice. This party will go on throughout history as the most unforgettable nights experienced by those lucky enough to witness.
"Zakieya Avery, Mom Charged In Kids' Stabbing Deaths, Feared Devil: Police"
"Zakieya Avery, Mom Charged In Kids' Stabbing Deaths, Feared Devil: Police"
Source: The Huffington Post
On January 19, 2014, a woman named Zakieya Latrice Avery was charged with first degree murder and attempted first degree murder. In Germantown, Maryland, “Montgomery County police responded to Avery's home Friday morning following a neighbor's 911 call.” Avery claimed to have witness the devil within her two children. The deranged woman stabbed her two children to death. The children were merely infants, ages one year old and two years old. The Maryland woman truly believed a satanic being and “evil spirits” resided in her young children. She also wounded her two other children by stabbing them with the same violent behavior. According to Avery, she needed to “[conduct] an exorcism.” Avery is currently separated from the father of her deceased children. The father has now taken full custody of the remaining wounded children. Both five and eight year old children spent Sunday hospitalized, in order to be restored back to health. Monifa Denise Sanford, a twenty-one year old woman who resided with Avery and her children, was also arrested and charged for the same attempts. Multiple knives were used in the homicide. One weapon used to murder the children, was found lying next to a car parked outside of the residency. The other two were placed around the house, later on found by police officials. Zakieya Latrice Avery and Monifa Denise Sanford have committed a heinous and despicable crime that will be sought out to in court.
Source: The Huffington Post
On January 19, 2014, a woman named Zakieya Latrice Avery was charged with first degree murder and attempted first degree murder. In Germantown, Maryland, “Montgomery County police responded to Avery's home Friday morning following a neighbor's 911 call.” Avery claimed to have witness the devil within her two children. The deranged woman stabbed her two children to death. The children were merely infants, ages one year old and two years old. The Maryland woman truly believed a satanic being and “evil spirits” resided in her young children. She also wounded her two other children by stabbing them with the same violent behavior. According to Avery, she needed to “[conduct] an exorcism.” Avery is currently separated from the father of her deceased children. The father has now taken full custody of the remaining wounded children. Both five and eight year old children spent Sunday hospitalized, in order to be restored back to health. Monifa Denise Sanford, a twenty-one year old woman who resided with Avery and her children, was also arrested and charged for the same attempts. Multiple knives were used in the homicide. One weapon used to murder the children, was found lying next to a car parked outside of the residency. The other two were placed around the house, later on found by police officials. Zakieya Latrice Avery and Monifa Denise Sanford have committed a heinous and despicable crime that will be sought out to in court.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
CES 2014 June Wristband
"A Bracelet to Measure Sun Exposure"
Source: The New York Times
The International Consumer Electronics Show, also known as CES, has recently presented multiple new and innovative technology and equipment. Every year new technology is showcased in the convention as a preview to future advancements. It is the first time the technology is release for the public to view, test and sample. An example of the latest gear would be “The June Wristband”.
The June wristband is a fashionable piece of jewelry that also serves a wider purpose. At first glance, it seems to be a standard and ordinary bracelet that would be found garnished on most women’s arms. This bracelet is also scientific and logical. The June wristband measures the percentage of sun exposure and alerts the wearer of the dangerous UV rays. At certain temperatures it also notifies the person “to apply sunscreen and when it’s time to get out of the sun,” The Netatmo company, which specializes in further advancement of weather technology, invented this bracelet. The company seems to be “getting even more personal about the weather” by accessing your personal information. An app works along with the bracelet; within the app, all personal information about your skin type must be supplied. This app will accurately notify the bracelet and perfect its performance. The June wristband will be launched in the spring, available for $100.00 along with multi-colored optional choices.
Source: The New York Times
The International Consumer Electronics Show, also known as CES, has recently presented multiple new and innovative technology and equipment. Every year new technology is showcased in the convention as a preview to future advancements. It is the first time the technology is release for the public to view, test and sample. An example of the latest gear would be “The June Wristband”.
Mafia and Prohibition
The mob, better known as The American Mafia, is an organized international body of “gangsters” that specialize in dangerous criminal activity. The mafia came about and prospered mostly during the 1920’s. Although different ethnic groups practiced organized crime, the American Mafia was primarily made up of immigrated Italian Americans and Sicilians. “By the early 1900's every large city in the United States had its own mafia sanction.” The most popular corruptions took place in New York and Chicago. Some of the roaring 20’s prominent mobsters included the notorious Al “Scarface” Capone, Charlie “Lucky” Luciano, and John Gotti. The mob engaged in illegal and illicit activity that included: drug-trafficking, prostitution and bootlegging.
The American Mafia played a key role in the Prohibition and the Prohibition era. “[The] Prohibition era is probably the most legendary era in gangster history.” The eighteenth amendment initiated the Prohibition, which was the law that made the consumption, manufacture and sale of alcohol banned and utterly illegal. Liquor was a high demand within the population; its sudden outlaw caused the mob to become involved in bootleg racketeering. The mafia’s reputation and assets “flourished” since they advanced in the bootlegging and smuggling alcoholic beverages. They thrived on the profit of these illegal activities, which caused them to become widely renowned and wealthy. The American Mafia was the main influence and authority during the Prohibition era, within the 1920’s.
The American Mafia played a key role in the Prohibition and the Prohibition era. “[The] Prohibition era is probably the most legendary era in gangster history.” The eighteenth amendment initiated the Prohibition, which was the law that made the consumption, manufacture and sale of alcohol banned and utterly illegal. Liquor was a high demand within the population; its sudden outlaw caused the mob to become involved in bootleg racketeering. The mafia’s reputation and assets “flourished” since they advanced in the bootlegging and smuggling alcoholic beverages. They thrived on the profit of these illegal activities, which caused them to become widely renowned and wealthy. The American Mafia was the main influence and authority during the Prohibition era, within the 1920’s.
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