The definition of community used to revolve around a person’s location or vicinity in which they live. Nowadays, that definition has slightly modified and transformed into “a feeling of fellowship with other.” It no longer matters where we live or what ethnic background we come from. Common interests and attitudes bring people together in order to form a community. Due to the extremely technologically based life we inhabit, online communities have emerged. Tumblr is an example of a popular website that can easily be viewed as a community, or more of a united society of people. Here, users share unbiased common interests in movies, celebrities, and just about everything one can imagine through photographs and text posts. Tumblr is a community that is made up of numerous other tiny communities called “fandoms.” I can proudly call myself a part of the Tumblr fandom. Although this community can be time consuming, it influences the members of it to reach certain goals in life and to persevere in the present. Creativity flows throughout the site and manipulates and encourages me to feel a sense of bewilderment and motivation. The users act as one large, balanced and diverse family that introduces new ideas and “fan girl feels” to each other. A community must bring along a sense of comfort and harmony into one’s life. Without the idea of communities, the world and humanity itself would be recognized as a vast lost cause.
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