Sunday, February 23, 2014

A quick swipe takes child's temperature

"A quick swipe takes child's temperature"
Source: LA Times,0,4525485.story#axzz2uDh3EYIK

         Technology is definitely advancing as rapidly as possible. This benefits everyone, but the largest impact definitely affects the medical industry and all of its departments. Simple appliances and medical machinery can influence an ailing life immensely. It is dire for doctors to have the best machinery accessible, since the lives of their patients depend on them. Many hospitals have advanced technology but it is also important for the public to have the same easy access. The Exergen Crop. has put responsibility into their own hands to make the lives of parents simple and stress free. Parents are now able to effortlessly measure their child’s fever and temperature. Their new invention is known by the name: “the Smart Glow.” This thermometer presents the child’s temperature on a bright glowing screen. Therefore, it is no longer difficult to view the number in the dark. The child does not even have to be awake or aware of the thermometer, at all. In order for it to properly operate, a person must swipe the “TemporalScanner Thermometer across the forehead and the temperature appears in a small, lighted space on the handle.” The thermometer is swiped across the forehead because the temporal artery is located on it. It is the best and most accurate place for a child’s body temperature to be measured. This thermometer took a minor step in revolutionizing medical machinery by making it easily available for parents everywhere.


           Technology has clearly taken over our lives. I realized this when I felt obligated to spend a few measly moments outside restricted from it all. I sat down on the forest green swing set that sits above my porch, in my front yard. I suddenly felt aggravated and my fingertips tingled with irritation; my mind began to provoke my arms to reach forward and fall into the temptation of a technological device. Although it mentally destroyed me, I relinquished this sense of weakness when I felt a slight breeze blow across my face, allowing my hair to slightly flow in the wind. I began to notice the beautiful sunny day I had access to. Two ginormous trees hovered over my grandmother’s carefully planted ivory roses. Across the yard I heard the gentle chirps of a family of birds conversing. A fluffy –tailed squirrel scurried across my front steps, quickly trying to scavenge remains of leaves and nuts left behind in the mud. I was interrupted by the pitter patter of children’s feet running across my neighbor’s patio. Their adorable laughter filled the air with a sense of harmony and innocence. While sitting on comfortable floral print swing pillows, I recognized the lingering scent of freshly cut grass. I relived a moment of freshness and tranquility.
             Thoughts began to rush around in my mind almost like bustling shoppers on black Friday waiting to acquire the last available sales found in a mall. Within my first thought, I caught a glimpse of my future. Nonetheless, I became grotesquely terrified and rapidly changed the subject. Random ideas floated around like: What will I eat for dinner? Where will I travel to next? How am I even speaking to myself in my own head?! Why don’t I do this more often? At that very moment, I understood the logic behind Mrs. Kirkman’s assignment. The beauty and simplicity that surrounds us is constantly voided because of the sudden advancements in technology. It was deeply necessary to step back from the constant chaos and just submerge myself into magnificence life provides kindly offers us. Thank you, Mrs. Kirkman!

Monday, February 17, 2014


         The definition of community used to revolve around a person’s location or vicinity in which they live. Nowadays, that definition has slightly modified and transformed into “a feeling of fellowship with other.” It no longer matters where we live or what ethnic background we come from. Common interests and attitudes bring people together in order to form a community. Due to the extremely technologically based life we inhabit, online communities have emerged. Tumblr is an example of a popular website that can easily be viewed as a community, or more of a united society of people. Here, users share unbiased common interests in movies, celebrities, and just about everything one can imagine through photographs and text posts. Tumblr is a community that is made up of numerous other tiny communities called “fandoms.” I can proudly call myself a part of the Tumblr fandom. Although this community can be time consuming, it influences the members of it to reach certain goals in life and to persevere in the present. Creativity flows throughout the site and manipulates and encourages me to feel a sense of bewilderment and motivation. The users act as one large, balanced and diverse family that introduces new ideas and “fan girl feels” to each other. A community must bring along a sense of comfort and harmony into one’s life. Without the idea of communities, the world and humanity itself would be recognized as a vast lost cause.

Maximo Caminero Smashes $1 Million Ai WeiWei Vase

" Maximo Caminero Smashes $1 Million Ai WeiWei Vase"
Source: The Huffington Post

          Art is a form of creativity that and brings an artist’s wildest ideas to life. The simplest form of art can be viewed beautiful and influential to people, but unfortunately bad perspectives maybe viewed as well. Opinions vary in life especially in this case, involving the famous Ai WeiWei vase. This particular vase was worth one million dollars. Ai WeiWei is specialized in transforming old ancient artifacts into works of art. He paints these archaic vases that date back to the Han Dynasty, with vibrant and flamboyant colors. He expresses his feelings into his art but many believe painting ancient artifacts like these vases “defaces the original work.” A man named Maximo Caminero, filled with rage and indignation, smashed the “Chinese dissident artist’s” valuable vase. On February 17, 2014, Caminero protested against the Perez Art Museum in Miami by damaging WeiWei’s artwork. He was angered at the fact that the “city’s newly opened museum is only displaying international art.” The fifty one year old Dominican man, Caminero, was arrested and charged for illegal activities and criminal mischief on Sunday.
           Maximo Caminero’s protest displayed acts of violence and can be viewed as rude and disrespectful towards the artist, Ai WeiWei. His outburst truly shows how powerful voicing one’s opinion can be. It is important to be able to control feelings and emotions when facing controversial topics and issues.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

"Flappy Bird Soars, Then Disappears, Along With a Weekend"

"Flappy Bird Soars, Then Disappears, Along With a Weekend"
Source: The New York Times

         iPhone applications come and go, but only the finest and most addicting ones make impressions on people. Applications, better known as apps, basically make cellular devices what they are today. Any game or utility is easily available with a simple click of a button. A revolutionized way of working with handheld devices may also become annoying and bothersome to the users of the app. In this case, the most frustrating app in all of history is said to go down with the name of “Flappy Bird.” Flappy Bird is basically a poorly graphically designed bird that must “flap” through the gaps of long, green pipes. Each gap is set at a different height (higher or lower) along the pipe. If the bird has any contact with the lengthy pole the game is immediately over. The more pipes one travels through, the higher the score is achieved. Although it seems to be an ordinary Super Mario looking wannabe game, looks can be deceiving; pure evil lies within the app itself. The creator of Flappy Bird, Mr. Dong Nguyen could not even tolerate his creation. “[Within] weeks, Flappy Bird nested atop the most downloaded app charts for Apple and Android mobile devices.” The free app made over $50,000 with advertisements and sponsors alone. The game irritated its users to no avail. The one and only way to end and relinquish the infuriating madness Flappy Bird caused was to completely remove and delete it off the App store.

The Great Gatsby Movie

             The Great Gatsby movie was extravagant and I treasured every second of it. Movies have always been superior to books, throughout my experience, since I loathe the entirety of reading. In this case, both the book and the movie were enjoyable. The plot revolving around the fabulous parties and immorality of criminal activity almost spoke to me. The director and actors accurately portrayed the magnificence of the 1920’s and the “Jazz Age.” Not to mention the gorgeous, eye-numbing physical appearances of the actors and actresses; Both Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Macguire were capable of making any female swoon and lose consciousness throughout the entire movie. The actors also played the character’s personality traits precisely as described in the novel. The love Gatsby’s character had for Daisy and the bewilderment Nick Carraway experienced on screen are only a few examples of feelings and emotions that were practically palpable. Although some scenes in the book were altered or completely removed from the movie, the film still preserved its initial scheme and main idea. For example, at the end Nick was the single person to attend Gatsby’s unfortunate funeral, whereas in the novel, two other guests: Henry C. Gatz and Owl Eyes also graced Jay with their presence. Overall, both the novel and film were magnificent from beginning to end. It made me want to experience the luxurious, foolishly fun tragedy alongside the characters.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Severe Drought Has U.S. West Fearing Worst

"Severe Drought Has U.S. West Fearing Worst"
Source: The New York Times

          California is at an all-time dangerous low once again when regarding water supply. A lengthy amount of time with no signs of rainfall has passed. The golden state is stuck in rough times and it is necessary to find a way to replenish its people. Factually, 40,000 people are at risk of becoming without water. They are vulnerable since the supply may run out any time from two to four months. The State Water Project was the state’s lone hope of assistance. “The main municipal water distribution system” was unable to fulfill its duties due to the severe drought. In a fifty-four year history, it is the first time the State Water Project had to disable and deactivate its spigot. All residents are required to cut down overall water usage by twenty percent. As an emergency back up plan for the worst case scenario possible, dispatches of trucks would have to bring in drinking water. New wells will also be drilled into the ground in order to achieve extra fresh water sources.
            It is dire for Californians to keep water usage to a minimum. The state must be capable of an effective water conservation plan in order to prevent long term damage and crisis regarding the water resources.